Saturday, March 31, 2007

Nelson's Moving Out

I just found out last night that the video from my phone works nicely with Apple's iMovie on the MacBook. So enjoy the video below...simply click on the link below to check out our moving day and Joshua at the car wash.

Friday, March 23, 2007

I'm Baaaaack


...just had to slip it in.

Finally, a new post! For those of you who asked why I haven't blogged for awhile (all two of you)...I took a break for several reasons. One, priorities shift as life brings change. There have been so many changes - they demand attention. Two, I didn't want my thoughts on this blog to affect these changes. So in a nutshell, here's what's happened as of late.

I followed up with our senior pastor, Scott Distler, at Grace Church that I would be taking a new position at Topeka Bible Church (TBC) as the Pastor of Worship Arts. Officially, TBC asked in mid-December last year for me to interview for the position. We traveled to KS to interview and lead worship for a weekend at TBC. We stayed with family, and you can read the highlights in the last post.

So we are down to two weeks left at Grace Church (Lititz, PA). Yes, some on staff are mocking my countdown clock in my office - but hey, they're not the one with the deadlines. I keep telling them it's my countdown to freedom. Really, I'm simply wanting to make sure the transition goes there aren't any bumps the week after I leave.

It's been surreal...moving out of my office, transferring ministry items to Matt McElravy (Interim Worship Arts Director), selling our PA house, buying a house in KS, selling our Neon, taking the last of vacation, sorting out CD's, finding a bank, health care transfers, and everything else that comes with a cross-country move.

It really is bitter-sweet. It's been difficult to leave 10 years of relationships, but God calls us to follow His lead. His lead for us is KS, without a doubt. But it's still sad. Kinda like breaking up with a girl to date another girl. What do you say to the girl you are leaving? "No really, it's not's God who wants this." Yeah, right. Our saving factor is that this is a perfect ministry fit and it's close to family. Our kids will know our family better - and that's important to us.
God, thank You for 10 incredible years of ministry at Grace. Thanks You for allowing me to be a part of Your growing ministry and to be used how You wished. Help me to trust You for the future...whether it's TBC, Grace, or my family. Help me ignore what I want, so You can show me what's needed for Your kindgom.