Thursday, November 16, 2006


Once you invest in relationships, take action to invite those you've invested in, a follow-up is essential to INCLUDE people. Our church has some simple and obvious ways for people to connect (Pastor's Class, Bible studies, Sunday classes, etc.). At Grace, Pastor Scott Distler leads the Pastor's Class. It’s low-key, Q & A based time built around lessons in the basics of someone's faith. It's a great on-ramp for someone who is new in their faith. Our church has also recently placed a high priority on connection (listen to recent messages on the need for our church to connect). There should be a place for every believer at church. Even though believers may not get to play the position they may initially want, there should be some time of position for everyone. Just like every great baseball team - there are pitchers, catchers, outfielders, and other positions. Some are first string, some second string, or some may even play multiple positions. It's the responsibility of coaches (staff) to determine the best placement, frequency of play, and equipping for the team to play a dynamite game.

Are you in the game?
If so, what position do you play?

Are you OK with what position God has you playing?


After you invest in someone, there will be a time when it's right to invite them to church with you. Even if they say no, don't be discouraged. Even if they say yes, then don't show up - don't take it personally. Most important, don't dump them if they don't come as quickly as you'd like. It may take time. Be patient. Pray that God will work it out that they will eventually take you up on your invitation. Remember, different people come to Christ differently. Some respond to public invitations, others in a small group, others yet will accept Christ in an indiviual setting. Keep the options alive and invite!

When was the last time you invited someone to church?

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Invest, Invite, Include

The following couple of blog posts are adapted from Andy Stanley and Dan Reiland (The Pastor's Coach). Andy came up with "Invest & Invite" and Dan added "Include." This first post will be on INVEST. The next two will be Invite and Include.


Do you have a heart for people? Most people do. If you do, you are probably already investing in people. People matter to God, that's why He invests in them. That's why we should invest in people too. Investing in others should be natural. Simply build relationships with people who fall within your circle. Each person you cross during the week are opportunities to invest. Have people over for dinner. Meet someone for lunch. Revisit a returant again and again to get to know employees.

What is IT you invest? Invest YOURSELF. That means time, care, energy, compassion and other resources you may have. In other words, be a friend. Friendship doesn't happen by acciendent. When two become friends, it's because one of them decided to invest first.

How are you doing? Who are you investing in?

Sunday, November 05, 2006


One flashlight for Joshua to play with in the van - 84 cents

Two kid sized Frosties from Wendy's - free with coupons

A quite van ride home from Walmart...
